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Getting in shape is not meant to be a torturous endeavor. There may be a sore muscle or two along the way, but I believe getting fit should be enjoyed, not dreaded. I get to change lives for a living, which is not only a privilege but incredibly fulfilling and rewarding.


My name is Camille Santiago. I've been a fitness enthusiast most of my life but after injuring myself doing a lot of high-impact exercises, I searched for an exercise that would keep me safe and get me the results I wanted.  My mindful journey started when I took my first mat pilates class after my injury.  It was a no-impact workout that made me sore in places I've never felt before.  I knew it was something I wanted to explore but the teacher left and it would take many years later for me to find another one.  I then found barre fitness which I fell in love with, and that is where my journey as a teacher started in 2015.  I realized how close barre & pilates are with each other & it made me eager to learn more.  Barre fitness, classical pilates, and traditional weight training gave me what I was looking for, it is the safe and effective exercises that I enjoy and love.  I want to share my love of these exercises with the world and show people how to move safely and pain-free.   

I firmly believe in the positive benefits that fitness can bring to all areas of our lives.  Are you ready to make a change? Contact me for more info.

Camille photo - Pilates & Fitness trainer

Certified Classical Pilates Instructor
Certified Personal Trainer 

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